Wackers è un pittore e scultore olandese. All'inizio degli anni 90, Ruudt si è trasferito in Francia, prima nel dipartimento del Lot e poi nel Tarn-et-Garonne. Dal 2018, Ruudt Wackers vive in Italia.
Nel 1983, ha fondato la sua scuola d'arte
« Wackers Académie» ad Amsterdam.
Esposti in molti paesi (Francia, Olanda, Belgio, Italia, Stati Uniti, Germania), i suoi dipinti, disegni, pastelli e sculture appartengono a collezioni private e pubbliche.
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palazzo e galeria RUUDT WACKERS ,le Marche Italia
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Wackers was born in Echt in The Netherlands.
The painter Henk Van Leeuwen (v.O.) prepared himto enter the Rijksacademie voor Beeldende Kunsten (National Academy of Art) in Amsterdam, where he was taught painting by Sierk Schröder.
In 1983, he has founded his own academy of art
« Wackers Academie » which continues to flourish to date.
Since the early 90’s Ruudt resides and works in Southern France. Initially in the Lot, later at château de Bru in Perville in the Tarn et Garonne. Since 2018, Ruudt wackers lives in Italy. His work has been shown in many countries such as France, The Netherlands, Belgium, Italy, USA, Germany. Many of his paintings, drawings, pastels and sculptures are in private and public collections.